rubber bullets

美 [ˈrʌbər ˈbʊləts]英 [ˈrʌbə(r) ˈbʊlɪts]
  • n.橡皮子弹(防暴用)
  • rubber bullet的复数
rubber bulletsrubber bullets
  1. Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration .


  2. Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds


  3. They had been using rubber bullets and tear gas to try to drive people away .


  4. The police fired ( several rubber bullets ) into the crowd .


  5. Police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protestors .


  6. And get hit with rubber bullets , or bullets .


  7. Rubber bullets are intended to incapacitate people rather than kill them .


  8. We collected rubber bullets when I was here


  9. Where the hell are my rubber bullets ?


  10. Palestinian officials said that 25 people were injured from tear gas inhalation and three were wounded by rubber bullets .


  11. One opinion poll suggested a third of respondents favoured the use not only of rubber bullets but of live ones .


  12. Police responded with concussion grenades and rubber bullets .


  13. Soldiers used rubber bullets , tear gas , and live ammunition to demonstrators who a bus and rubber tires .


  14. Some demonstrators threw rocks at soldiers who fired tear gas , stun grenades and rubber bullets .


  15. Police said protesters demanding new anti-blasphemy laws began pelting police with stones late Sunday , and officers responded with rubber bullets .


  16. Hundreds of Turkish police pushed past barricades and used tear gas and rubber bullets to drive demonstrators from Istanbul 's central square .


  17. There were later reports of gunshots and protesters lobbing rocks at police , who responded with rubber bullets .


  18. South African police have used rubber bullets and tear gas to break up crowds of protesters as violence continues in several townships around Johannesburg .


  19. The option of adopting a more aggressive continental approach with the use of curfews , water cannon and even rubber bullets has for now been rejected .


  20. Protests carried on for days and grew so intense in certain areas that the police deployed military-grade armored vehicles , tear gas and rubber bullets .


  21. Fierce fightings saw troops use rubber bullets and tear gas in an attempt to clear the red-shirts from one of their two encampments in the city .


  22. Palestinians called for revenge , and in the biblical town of Hebron they clashed with Israeli troops , who fired tear gas , rubber bullets and live ammunition .


  23. Police forces against protesters who are opposed to the government . A CNN reporter on the scene described it as a " tense and intense . " She said police used rubber bullets and live ammo .


  24. We were , you know , knocking on the door . They decided to negotiate with us at night with rubber bullets , with police , police sticks , with you know , water hoses , with tear gas tanks and with arresting about 500 people of us . hanks .
